Renovation vs. Remodeling: Which One is Better?

     Do you know what exactly the differences are between renovation and remodeling? These are the most common words in construction, often used conversely by contractors, builders, architects, and interior designers.

Is it necessary to know the difference? Yes, because, while thinking of getting construction repairs done for your home or business, you might encounter the question, Should I go for renovation or remodeling? in your mind.

To remove the confusion for you, we have come up with this article with clear-cut definitions, uses, and differences between renovation and remodeling. Read on to find out!

Definition of Renovation in Brief:

     Renovation is fixing up a building or a structure by updating some components without changing their intended purpose. The original design of the house is never dramatically altered. Moderately it is twitched to meet a new modernized and updated one.

Renovating a kitchen layout

For instance, a hall remains a hall, and a kitchen remains a kitchen; but repairs are made like new flooring, replacing old windows, changing wall colors, and adjusting new furniture.

Definition of Remodeling in Brief:

     Remodeling is the process of changing the originality of the whole building structure. Sometimes the design of an area is discarded entirely or combined with other design areas.

Changing the Layout of a Room

In simple, the guest room can be dismantled and made into the balcony, or the width of the kitchen area is extended, or a wall is replaced with sliding glass windows, etc.

Differences between Renovation and Remodeling?


  •  It involves updates like installing new appliances, new hardware fittings, new lighting fixtures, etc.
  •  Reparation works like repainting, reinstalling windows, refacing cabinets, replacing flooring, and any outdated systems.
  •  Renovating intends to revive a space or a property without any massive changes.
  •  These are small-scale projects and may be used to add value to a home before listing it for sale.
  •  Permits are not typically needed and require a fewer number of workers.


  •  It transforms the essence of a whole structure, which includes changes to the home structure or layout.
  •  Remodeling project includes merging two rooms into one, installing a kitchen island, removing walls, raising ceilings, etc.
  •  It may involve expanding the square footage, adding plumbing, heating, or cooling ducts to the building.
  •  These are larger-scale projects and may require more contractors and workers.
  •  They often involve changing the use of space and require permits.

Which Project is Best for You?

     Thinking about whether to renovate or remodel your property can put you in more difficulty. If you are interested in increasing property value in time for a sale, a quick renovation may be your best chance. But, if you want to settle in the property for a long haul, then remodeling the whole building is your best option.

Example of renovating a room with wooden furniture

Some house owners don't permit changing the structure, instead, they would like to restore it as closely as it to the original. In such cases, renovation is the best option as it offers a better return on investment (ROI). Essentially, if your project demands a drastic alteration of the space for a whole new look and feels, then remodel is obvious.

Regardless of the project you go for, remodeling will always cost more than renovation. Remodel projects require permits and also professional assistance for ductworks, plumbing, and electrical works.

Example of Remodelling

In restoration, you can enhance the room's appearance and functionality with some simple fixes in a short period. But remodeling requires a significantly longer time, a minimum of four to seven months.

The Bottom Line

     Before you determine which project is right for you, don't forget to analyze some factors like the state of your building, age, lifestyle, your budget, current labor cost, materials cost, and more. We hope that we have covered the differences so far, now that you can make a better decision. Not to forget, it's good to enlist some help from experts.

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